First Conference of States parties to the Arms Trade Treaty

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 31 augustus 2015.

The first Conference of States parties to Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) took place in Cancun, Mexico on 24-27 August 2015 under Mexican chairmanship and with a large participation from NGO and civil society. Together with Member States, the EU participated as observer.

The ATT was adopted in 2013 by the UN and entered into force in December 2014 . It is the first international legally binding agreement to establish standards for regulating arms trade and promoting transparency. As such, it carries large potential to help prevent conflict, armed violence and human rights abuses. So far, 130 UN States have signed it and 72 ratified.

The goal of the first Conference of States parties to lay solid foundations for the ATT was met as it successfully agreed its rules of procedure and financial rules, common reporting arrangements for States and established the ATT Secretariat. The ATT Secretariat will be located in Geneva and headed by Mr Dumisani Dladla of South Africa. These achievements further support the international momentum for responsibility and transparency in arms trade, an endeavour long promoted by the EU for instance through its Common Position 2008/944/CFSP on the control of arms exports.

The EU welcomes the positive and substantive outcome for the Conference, which will strengthen efforts towards universalisation and effective implementation of the Treaty. The EU is providing a tangible contribution in this regard with its dedicated outreach and capacity-building programme. This programme with a 6.4 million euros budget is currently active is nine beneficiary countries and supports States that wish to receive assistance in strengthening their controls over arms transfers, in compliance with the ATT. The EU also continues to encourage States not yet party to the Treaty to accede to it.


Press statement on the outcome of the First Conference of States parties to the Arms Trade Treaty, Cancun-Mexico, 24-27 August 2015

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