The September edition of the ECA Journal is out now

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Rekenkamer i, gepubliceerd op maandag 31 augustus 2015.

This month the ECA Journal focuses on a number of interesting topics, among them the need for principles of good audit, an overview of the VIII EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference and an interview on the subject of the EU police mission in Afghanistan.

Main contents:

02 Auditing is listening, A symposium on audit principles and audit standards: their origins, connections and consequences

04 The Activities of the European Court of Auditors i and the General Principles of European Union Law

11 The need for principles of good audit

16 The VIII EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference was held in Quito, Ecuador 24-26 June 2015

19 The audit mandate of the European Court of Auditors needs to be strengthened

20 Special Report N° 7/2015: The EU police mission in Afghanistan: mixed results

23 Greece: solidarity and adjustment in times of crisis

25 A triple crisis: economic, social and political

ECA Journal - September 2015

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