Joint Statement on the signature by President Kiir of the peace agreement for South Sudan

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 augustus 2015.

"Today, President Kiir decided to sign the peace agreement endorsed by other South Sudanese parties in Addis Ababa on 17 August 2015.

President Kiir's commitment to engage in a political process to achieve a lasting peace is a crucial step.

This agreement offers a new opportunity, that cannot be squandered, for South Sudan to move towards a future of transparent government that places the interests of the citizen above all else. If properly implemented, it will end the fighting and install the transitional institutions essential to the rebuilding of the country.

To ensure this happens, effective implementation of the agreement will be essential. A ceasefire must come into place and all obstacles to full and unhindered humanitarian access must be removed immediately. A strong monitoring body with regional, international and South Sudanese civil society representation is vital to ensure that the agreement is respected by all stakeholders. Accountability and transparency will be central to the way forward for South Sudan.

The EU will continue to stand by the South Sudanese people during the transitional process and appeals to the political leaders of South Sudan to rise to their responsibilities, end the suffering of the South Sudanese people, account for the atrocities targeted at civilians and children and prevent an even greater humanitarian tragedy from unfolding".


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