Commission to come forward with a comprehensive response in support of the agricultural sector

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 augustus 2015.

At today's press briefing, Commissioner Phil Hogan i explained the Commission's work towards a comprehensive response to difficulties in the agricultural sector.

Commissioner Hogan during the press conference

Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan announced several points of business and explained the Commission's work towards a comprehensive response to difficulties in the agricultural sector.

The Commissioner announced the meeting of Commission President Jean Claude Juncker i with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko i on 27 August which will cover a range of topics including concerns surrounding the implementation of the Minsk agreements. A joint press point will follow at noon to receive journalists' questions.

In addition High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini i, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovic and Commissioner Johannes Hahn i will represent the Commission at the Western Balkans summit taking place in Vienna on the same day. The summit will take in several matters but chiefly migration via these countries. The Commission just announced that it will disburse €1.5 million in humanitarian assistance for refugees and migrants in Serbia and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Commissioner Hogan called for a European resolution and the highest level of co-operation with neighbouring countries.

Next week the College of Commissioners will also reconvene in a seminar in Genval.

Lastly the commissioner briefed journalists on the state of the agricultural sector and reminded that there will be special meeting of agricultural ministers on 7 September.

Commissioner Hogan said: "I have been closely monitoring developments on prices and exports and difficulties in the various areas over the recent weeks and I think we all agree that there are difficulties particularly in the dairy and in the pig meat sectors." He then announced a comprehensive response which the Commission is preparing and which he will outline to the Council and to the European Parliament on 7 and 8 September respectively.