EU invests more than €1.6 billion in Canarias and Extremadura to create jobs and boost SMEs' competitiveness
The European Commission has today adopted the 2014-2020“Operational Programmes” (OPs) for Canarias and Extremadura, worth more than €2 billion with over €1.6 billioncoming from the European Regional Development Fund i (ERDF).
Commenting on the adoption, Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu i said: "These tailored investments are important for Canarias and Extremadura, helping these regions to get back on the path to growth. I expect the programmes to make a real impact on economic prospects in these two regions, by creating new and high-skill jobs and by boosting regional research and development. They will also contribute to deliver on Europe's overall objectives of restoring competitiveness and creating jobs."
Canarias will benefit from €1.17bn of which €997.6m from the ERDF. Over €280 million will be invested to strengthen regional R&D and innovation efforts, the information society and the innovation of SMEs. The programme also envisages specific measures to promote social inclusion, to protect the environment and to better connect the archipelago, recognized by the EU as an outermost region (e.g. by improving the transport services). The expected impact of this OP would include:
-Additional investments in research, development and innovation through a doubling of public spending and a six-fold increase of private investment;
-100% of population covered by high-speed broadband;
-33% of enterprises selling by e-commerce;
-50% of school population covered by e-learning services and 67% of citizens using e-administration services;
-Investments in new education infrastructures;
-Reducing the time span for undergoing a surgical intervention.
Extremadura will benefit from €849.1 million of which €679.3m from the ERDF. The top priorities (€288 million invested) are to boost regional R&D and innovation, to enhance the use and take-up of ICT by SMEs and citizens, and to increase the digital public services in accordance with the regional smart specialisation strategy (RIS3). Funding will also enhance the competitiveness of SMEs, support the education system and lifelong learning, and improve regional mobility. The expected impact of this OP would include:
-Almost doubling the percentage of jobs linked to R&D and innovation; through private investment and fostered cooperation between companies and universities or research centres;
-100% of population covered by high-speed broadband;
-75% of the public administration procedures online for SMEs and citizens (currently 5%);
-38% more SMEs exporting regularly abroad;
-A 15% reduction of CO2 emissions;
-A four-fold increase of rail freight.
More information:
Partnership Agreement with Spain
Summary of Operational Programmes for Cohesion Policy Funds 2014-2020