CoR members from Ireland and the UK show solidarity with Greece

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 juli 2015.

During the most impassioned debate at the 113th Committee of the Regions plenary, July 8-9, members from across EU member states showed their support for Greek citizens.

This was reinforced during an interview with Maria Bryne, of the Limerick City and County Council in Ireland (EPP), who elaborated further on the situation in Greece.

Bryne, said: "Everybody has respect for what's happening in Greece, and its decision was a decision put to the people.

"My understanding is that there may not have been a lot of explanation around what the referendum was about, but certainly it was up to the people to make their choice."

Interview with Maria Byrne

​​During the Greece debate, which took place on the first day of the plenary, Emily Westley (UK/PES), said: "We live in a Europe that should help and support each other."

Other members also commented on the situation during an interview. The full list can be found here​.

The debate, which was proposed by a Greek member, came after Greeks rejected the bailout terms made by the country's creditors in a referendum on July 5.

Since then, the Greek government has approved bailout measures.
