Iran deal, Libya, Tunisia discussed at July Foreign Affairs Council

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 juli 2015.

The recent agreement with Iran over its nuclear programme and developments in Libya, Tunisia and the Middle East Peace Process dominated July's meeting of Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels.

Speaking after Chairing the meeting of all 28 EU Foreign Ministers on Monday 20 July, High Representative Federica Mogherini i said that today "we started by sharing with the Ministers our results on Iran. We endorsed the agreement that we reached in Vienna last week, in parallel with the unanimous UN Security Council Resolution endorsing the agreement itself."

She also went on to say "it is an agreement that is strong and useful not only in comparison with an absence of agreement, but also in itself. It is an agreement that will make sure that Iran will not be able to have nuclear weapons - an agreement good for the security of the neighbourhoods and of the region. It is an agreement that is finally highlighting the potential of multilateralism and diplomacy, which is in itself a value for the European Union way of working on foreign policy. It is an agreement that has the potential to open a new chapter in Iran, in international relations and relations with the rest of the region."

The day also saw the EU adopt a new "Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy" - which aims to keeping human rights at the heart of the EU's agenda. The new Action Plan aims to reinforce the implementation of the EU's human rights policy with a special emphasis on strengthening ownership by local institutions, mechanisms and civil society actors, and on invigorating support to Human Rights Defenders.

During their meeting Ministers discussed the Iran nuclear deal, Libya, Tunisia, Middle East Peace Process, migration, climate diplomacy, energy diplomacy, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali, the Central African Republic and Burundi.

Iran deal - agreement welcomed

Ministers "welcomed the 14 July 2015 agreement reached in Vienna between Iran and China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, with the facilitation of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy, on a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In the context of the long-running diplomatic efforts to reach a comprehensive, long lasting and peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, this is an historic moment. The Council expressed its appreciation for the coordinating role played by the High Representative, which was instrumental in bringing these negotiations to a successful conclusion and acknowledges the support by the Austrian government in hosting the final round of the talks. The Council acknowledges the role played by France, Germany and the UK since launching the negotiations in Tehran in 2003 with the Tehran Agreement."

Libya - EU ready to support national government

The Council was briefed by UN Special Representative Bernardino Leon on the initialling of a political agreement by the vast majority of Libyan parties. Ministers discussed what more the EU can do to bring the missing parties on board and to further support the efforts towards the formation of a government of national accord. The EU stands ready to support such government when formed, both economically and politically.

Aware of the sense of urgency, ministers discussed the possibility of adopting sanctions against spoilers of the dialogue process. The decision to impose such restrictive measures can be taken at any time, if and when needed.

Tunisia - brutal attack condemned

EU Foreign Ministers strongly condemned the brutal attack that caused the death of thirty-eight tourists and injured many others on June 26 near Sousse, three months after the deadly bombing of Bardo. In a statement the Council said "it reiterates its solidarity with the Tunisian people and the families of victims. While Tunisia embodies the success of a real democratic revolution and the transition to a model of society protecting fundamental freedoms and human rights, it is the target of terrorism. These attacks reinforce the determination of the EU expressed by the European Council of 20 March to support Tunisia's transition so that it keeps the ambitious goal of democratic consolidation and deepening the EU-Tunisia privileged partnership that materializes in multiple areas, sharing a vision of bringing Europeans and Tunisians." EU Foreign Ministers were also joined by the Tunisian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in Brussels on Monday.

Middle East - EU reaffirms commitment to just and comprehensive resolution

On the Middle East Ministers said "the EU reaffirms its commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the two state solution, with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign, and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition. The EU reaffirms that there is no alternative to a negotiated two state solution. The regional context, including the ongoing radicalisation and spread of terrorism, makes it even more urgent to end the conflict. The status-quo is not an option, as the viability of the two state solution is constantly being eroded by new facts on the ground. The EU urges both parties to demonstrate their stated commitment to the two state solution through concrete actions. Actions by either side which call into question their stated commitment to a negotiated solution must be avoided. The EU will actively support the parties to restore confidence and create an environment of trust necessary to engage in meaningful negotiations as soon as possible."

Migration - A broader foreign and security policy approach is essential

In their Conclusions on Migration, EU Foreign Ministers said they supported an active, comprehensive and geographically balanced EU external migration policy in accordance with the European Agenda on Migration and European Council conclusions of 25 and 26 June. They went on to say that "a broader foreign and security policy approach is essential to strengthen cooperation with countries of origin and transit aiming at addressing root causes of and preventing irregular migration, including smuggling and trafficking, protecting persons in need of international protection, respecting the right to seek asylum, ensuring effective return and readmission, and maximising the development impact of well-managed migration and mobility."

Climate diplomacy - Climate Change a decisive global challenge

Conclusions on Climate change was also approved and adopted by all EU Ministers. It read "climate change as underlined by the latest scientific findings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is a decisive global challenge which, if not urgently managed, will put at risk not only the environment but also world economic prosperity, poverty reduction, sustainable development and, more broadly, peace, stability and security. A worldwide transition towards a safe, sustainable and climate resilient low-carbon development path is a precondition for a secure and stable future."

Energy diplomacy

On energy policy Ministers said that "EU policy objectives defined in the EU Energy Union should be supported by a coherent EU foreign and energy policy action, taking into account geopolitical developments. The Council i, in line with the Energy Union's implementation roadmap and building on existing EU foreign policy engagement on energy and climate diplomacy, welcomes, as a basis for further work, the annexed EU Energy Diplomacy Action Plan presented jointly by the High Representative and the Commission. It also reaffirms the right of Member States to decide their own energy mix."

Afghanistan - development of institutions key

In their meeting Ministers endorsed the first annual report of the European Union Afghanistan strategy 2014-16. They said that "the EU appreciates the efforts made by the EU Special Representative in Afghanistan in implementing the strategy and reaffirms its continued commitment to the goal of the strategy, namely the development of Afghanistan's institutions to provide the resilience needed to safeguard progress to date and provide the platform for a more effective and ultimately sustainable Afghan state."

Pakistan - Broader and deeper dialogue welcomed

The Council endorsed the 2015 implementation report on the EU-Pakistan 5-year Engagement Plan. Recalling its Conclusions of 2012 and 2013, they said "the EU reiterates its commitment to both strengthening democracy and intensifying relations with Pakistan. The Council welcomed the broadening and deepening of dialogue with Pakistan over recent years on a wide range of issues, including counter-terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, and migration management."

Mali - Peace Agreement welcomed

The signature on 15 May and 20 June by all parties of the Mali Peace Agreement is seen as an important milestone on the road to peace and stability in Mali and the wider Sahel Region. EU Ministers said "the Agreement is a crucial step in restoring peace, stability and security, helping to improve the living conditions of the population, and rebuilding mutual trust that will promote national reconciliation. The first step, however, must be an absolute and durable respect of the current ceasefire agreement."

Central Africa Republic - EU welcomes work done

In their conclusions Ministers said "the EU welcomes the work done in recent months by the Central African authorities of transition which enabled decisive political progress, and in particular in the Bangui forum, essential step towards national reconciliation. These efforts must continue in an inclusive and responsible spirit, to lead the transition to an end. The international community remains mobilized to enable CAR to overcome the crisis."

Burundi - deteriorating situation has serious effects for population

On Burundi Ministers said "the political deadlock in Burundi, the deteriorating security and economic situation, have serious effects on the population and risks for the entire region. Faced with this critical situation, the EU welcomes the mobilization of the region to find a way out. The decisions on the situation in Burundi adopted by the Summit of the African Union (AU) on June 13, and the conclusions of the Summit of the East African Community (EAC) on 31 May, set a framework essential to allow Burundi to overcome the crisis."

Useful links:

Main results of the Foreign Affairs Council

Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process

Council conclusions on migration

Council conclusions on climate diplomacy

Council conclusions on Energy Diplomacy

Council conclusions on Afghanistan

Council conclusions on Pakistan

Council conclusions on Mali

Conclusions du Conseil sur la République centrafricaine

Remarks by Federica Mogherini after Council





Central African Republic,


Human Rights,


Middle East Peace Process,


