Statement by President Jean-Claude Juncker following his meeting with the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nikos Anastasiades

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 juli 2015.

It was exactly one your ago, yesterday, that I was elected by the European Parliament as President of the Commission. We did not celebrate it at the meeting of the College because I did not know it. I was elected on 15 July last year.

As happy anniversaries should be celebrated with family and friends I am delighted to celebrate this anniversary here in Cyprus, because I feel that Cypriots are both family and friends. I have asked the Commissioner coming from Cyprus, my good friend Christos, to be part of the party; I would like you Mr President to know that he is doing an excellent job in Brussels.

This is my first official bilateral visit to an EU MS since I became President of the Commission. I am not here because a conference is taking place, I am not here because someone had the idea to organise a Summit in Cyprus. I am here because I wanted to pay my first official visit to Cyprus because I feel very close to Cyprus by heart and by personal friendship to the President of the Republic. Coming from a small country I have a profound understanding for the problems, the constraints and needs of smaller entities. These are so many reasons why I feel happy to be here today.

Cyprus found itself in a difficult economic position in 2013. The Cyprus I am visiting today is very different from Cyprus in January, February 2013. The economy is beginning to grow, the financial sector has stabilised; this was not an easy thing to be done. I want to pay tribute to you, Mr President, dear Nikos, and to the people here for your commitment to the programme of recovery; tough decisions and commitment paid off in Cyprus as they did in Ireland, Portugal and Spain; and I hope that others will take note of that.

Cyprus today is a place of stability and of European values in - I have to say - a troubled part of the world. You are a stable actor because you are European and this is a source of benefits, but also of responsibilities, mainly of responsibilities. You are on the European Union´s front line and you can be an example to others; an example of growth, cooperation.

As far as the settlement negotiations are concerned I want to express the hope - not only my personal hope - but of all Europeans that we do take the opportunity we now have thanks to your efforts and to the efforts of the other leader to come to a good conclusion. This is a unique chance, a unique opportunity and we should not lose the momentum; and I am convinced that you are determined to put all the efforts which are needed into ways and means how to come to a good solution.

If this happens, and I am praying that this will happen, this will not only be a good news for Cyprus, this will be a good news for the entire European Union.

I would like to let you know that I am taking a personal, day by day interest in the developments which are happening under your leadership together with the efforts of your compatriots.


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