Iran nuclear agreement: good for Iran, for the region and for global security

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 juli 2015.

Today's nuclear agreement with Iran marks the beginning of a new era in the relation between Iran and the rest of the world. After years of sanctions and tense relations, this agreement makes everyone better-off. This agreement is good for Iran, is good for the region and is good for global security.

I congratulate the E3/EU + 3 and Iran on their tireless and professional work in seeking a satisfactory and balanced agreement. Both sides have rightly been animated by the conviction that cooperation would lead to a better outcome than confrontation.

Building on the result of the April negotiations, agreement was reached on the last remaining stumbling blocks. Now a faithful implementation of today's results will be key for sustained trust, economic progress and diplomatic cooperation, and also to tackle regional conflicts.

The role of the European Union and of the three European representatives was central for the success of the agreement: the EU and its High Representative Federica Mogherini i were credible and honest brokers. I also thank her predecessor Catherine Ashton i for working tirelessly towards an agreement. This was the role of the European Union on the international stage at its best.