Informal Meeting of Ministers for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in Luxembourg, 16-17 July 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Luxemburgs voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2015 (EU2015LU) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 13 juli 2015.

The Minister of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy, Nicolas Schmit, the Minister of Social Security, Romain Schneider and the Minister for Equal Opportunities, Lydia Mutsch will chair the informal meeting of Ministers of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities on 16 and 17 July 2015 in Luxembourg

The minister Corinne Cahen will participate in the debate in her capacity as the Minister for Family and Integration.

Thursday, 16 July : :Social affairs and youth employment

The first session of the first day will focus on " Social affairs within the governance framework of the European Union". The Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs will exchange strategies on the next steps to be taken to strengthen social affairs in the context of community governance, and more specifically Economic and Monetary Union in the presence of Marianne Thyssen, the Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Mobility of workers, Corinne Cahen, the Minister of Family and Integration, as well as representatives of the European Parliament.

Strengthening social affairs is a key element of the integration process and a fundamental pillar of democratic consensus, including the European 2020 strategy context of the European Union in terms of employment and the fight against poverty and social exclusion.

Then, during a work lunch entitled " Youth Employment and Job Creation: Beyond Youth Guarantee",the ministers will discuss measures to strengthen Youth Guarantee and improve the employment prospects of young people.

At the second session again on youth employment, the Minister Nicolas Schmit will present a draft initiative of the Luxembourg Presidency for youth employment by vocational training in the Maghreb countries to his European counterparts and Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.

Indeed, youth unemployment is a scourge that is not limited to the borders of the European Union, but which also affects Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. This initiative aims to join forces to support young people in their transition from school to the workplace, including a better balance between supply and demand for skills in the labor market. This Presidency initiative brings together key stakeholders including the International Labour Organization, the European Investment Bank, the World Bank, the Institute of the Mediterranean or the Union for the Mediterranean that will also be present at informal meeting of ministers.

Friday 17 July : Equality between women and men

The only session of the second day will be chaired by the Minister Lydia Mutsch and focus on the topic "Changes in the labour market: a challenge for women and for men".

During that session, the ministers of Gender Equality and Employment will exchange strategies on the pathways to better meet the needs of men and women for a better balance between family life and a professional working environment that is constantly evolving.

Press Release from the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy, the Ministry of Social Security and the Ministry of Equal Opportunities

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