Video European Parliament: LuxLeaks, refugees, gas emission, Passenger Name Record

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 10 juli 2015.

European Parliament spokesperson Marjory van den Broeke discusses this week’s agenda with Jennifer Baker.

  • ENVI committee meeting (Tuesday 14 July, Wednesday 15 July) will vote on compulsory limits on pollutants - including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide and emissions from non-road engines (trains, boats etc).
  • Also on Wednesday, the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) will be voting on retaining passenger data from flights coming in and out of the EU. MEPs are insisting the use of data be proportionate.
  • LIBE MEPs will push for including binding quotas in the emergency mechanism for the relocation of 40,000 Syrian and Ethiopian refugees.lux
  • Luxleaks scandal: the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and Special Committee on Tax Rulings (TAXE) are holding a joint meeting. It’s hoped Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker i, and Tax Commissioner Pierre Moscovici i will turn up too.