Xavier Bettel presented the European Parliament at a plenary session with the priorities for the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Met dank overgenomen van Luxemburgs voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2015 (EU2015LU) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 juli 2015.

Xavier Bettel i, Prime Minister, presented the priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency in front of the European Parliament on 8 July 2015

For Luxembourgish MEP Frank Engel i, speaking on behalf of the EPP group, the Luxembourg Presidency is taking place when 'times are hard and there are many challenges ahead'. In his view, there are several important issues - in particular the legislative reform on protection of personal data, the PNR, the Paris Climate Conference and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the United States - which 'are a source of both worry and concern for citizens'. He is of the opinion that progress must also be made with regard to tax justice and the 'European Fund for Strategic Investments' (EFSI i), that shoulb be a success because 'Europe is cruelly lacking strategic investment'. All these are priorities in the Programme of the Luxembourg Presidency. 'With regard to the Greek situation and beyond', Frank Engel recalled that Luxembourg has a 'long tradition of moderation and reconciling differing positions'. According to Frank Engel, it is regrettable that Europe has experienced fractures. The MEP hopes that the Luxembourg Presidency will restore a 'more central balance'.

MEP Gianni Pittella i, S&D Leader, stated that the Luxembourg Presidency faces a 'huge' task. He believes that it is necessary to reach an agreement with Greece to 'avoid catastrophic consequences for the EU'. He also stressed the willingness of the S&D group to introduce 'a binding mechanism to enhance solidarity between Member States' with regard to distribution of refugees within the EU. In the name of the principle of solidarity, the EU must also fight against social dumping, implement a plan for investment and higher employment, and show solidarity with the rest of the world. Gianni Pittella also called for support for the social economy and to facilitate the transition to a green and circular economy, before expressing the belief of his political party that the Luxembourg Presidency is equipped to meet the significant challenges that lie ahead.

For MEP Mark Demesmaeker i, speaking on behalf of the ECR group, the programme of the Luxembourg Presidency is 'ambitious', but will have to face a number of challenges, such as the Greek crisis and migration. 'It will take all of your negotiating skills to reach agreements', he said. For the ECR group, an agreement on the PNR is 'essential' in order to establish a European framework to advance the fight against terrorism. 'In Europe, there is no room for the type of aggression we have seen in Ukraine' he added. Lastly, Mark Demesmaeker stressed the importance of the 'Better Regulation' initiative, the TTIP and the digital single market. He also highlighted the need to reach an international agreement at the Paris Climate Conference.

Luxembourgish MEP Charles Goerens i, representing the ALDE group, expressed his satisfaction in finding the priorities of his political party amongst those set out by the Luxembourg Presidency, in particular stimulating growth, implementing a digital single market, the obligation to succeed in the fight against climate change and the Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa. In his view, the Luxembourg Presidency is taking place against a 'different' background because 'fewer people are willing to defend the European project'. 'What we need (...), is a steadfast commitment to preserving its essential features - the ties between nations and between the citizens living in our countries, with the courage and determination to defend our freedoms', he continued. He underlined the need to accept refugees, stating that, 'the European project is based on the uncompromising nature of human dignity' rather than a 'Malthusian approach'.

The Luxembourg Presidency will have to 'deal with all sorts of problems currently facing the people of Europe', explained MEP Neoclis Sylikiotis (GUE/NGL). He believes that Europe must show solidarity and needs a progressive policy for growth, employment and social justice, not 'neoliberal policies favouring strict austerity measures which exacerbate the crisis and impoverish entire populations'. With regard to migration, Neoclis Sylikiotis highlighted the importance of equitable burden-sharing among Member States based on GDP and population size.

For Luxembourgish MEP Claude Turmes i, representing the Greens/EFA, the Luxembourg Presidency will take place at a crucial time for Europe. Luxembourg will have to play the role of the mediator in order to build bridges. He is of the opinion that there will be four main priorities over the next six months: climate, refugees, a fair fiscal policy and the Greek situation. Regarding climate, Claude Turmes stressed the need to reach an agreement at the Paris Climate Conference.'If we don't respect its limits, nature will spin out of control as recently demonstrated by the heatwaves in India, Pakistan and Europe', he said.

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