Video Varoufakis on Twitter: Special EU tweets of the Week

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 10 juli 2015.

Events of the past weeks have put Greece on the spotlight again. This special edition of Tweets of the Week focuses on the subversive and sublime: the 9 lives of Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek Finance Minister and Star of the Twittersphere.

  • Chapter 1: The Finance Minister - it’s hard to be a superstar
  • Chapter 2: The husband - ‘mi casa es tu casa’
  • Chapter 3: The photo-shopped lecturer - haters gonna ha… photoshop
  • Chapter 4: The gambler - less ego, more talent
  • Chapter 5: The ‘tape’ whisperer - Deep throat
  • Chapter 6: The referendum preacher - OXI is the answer
  • Chapter 7: The Minister NO more - Loathing with pride
  • Chapter 8: The Minister of Awesome - A name to be remembered
  • Chapter 9: The biker - Keep calm and drive on