Markkula and Moedas: Regions and cities are key agents for open innovation

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 juli 2015.

Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions, joined Commissioner Carlos Moedas i in calling out for the promotion of innovation frontrunners and for collaboration through initiatives such as the European Capital of Innovation and the Knowledge Exchange Platform. Innovation culture can be spread in Europe by the support of various EU funding programmes coupled with local public and private investments.

According to President Markkula "Our regions and cities are the drivers of open innovation - growth through close interaction and inclusive co-creation with citizens, universities, business and the public sector." This was supported by European Commissioner Carlos Moedas, responsible for research, science and innovation, when he addressed the CoR members: "Power is shifting from nations to cities. Your mission is to involve the local and regional authorities in the EU decision-making and encourage better participation from the citizens".

An important feature of the debate among Members about financing innovation was also how to prevent the deepening of regional divides in innovation. Mrs. Yoomi Renström, Chair of the CoR Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC), stressed that "excellence must not be the sole criterion for eligibility for EU funding for research and innovation because this perpetuates the geographical concentration of funds, helping over and over again the same regions", pointing out also the close link between innovation and digital divides.

Together with tailor-made funding, initiatives such as the European Capital of Innovation Award, presented to the CoR members by Commissioner Moedas, provide concrete stepping stones in encouraging local and regional open innovation activities. This will also build renewal capital in Europe that will help bridge the regional innovation divide. The official launch of the Knowledge Exchange Platform in October opens up new possibilities for sharing the best EU Horizon 2020 knowledge on the ground and assists CoR members to be active drivers of change.

"We call for pioneering regions and cities to venture into the forefront of innovation development. European research and innovation needs a new open, digital and global path. For this to happen we encourage the Commission to further simplify procedures and ease access to funding. We also call on further enabling of synergies between different EU funding programmes such as interlinkage of cohesion and Horizon 2020 and a push for innovative public procurement", President Markkula concluded.
