Commissioners Šefāoviā and Moedas join EU local leaders in debate on energy, innovation and migration

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 6 juli 2015.

#CoRplenary , 8-9 July, Brussels

Also on the agenda: Luxembourg EU Presidency priorities, EU Commission Work Programme, cohesion policy, Capital Union & EU Neighbourhood Policy

How to deliver the recently unveiled Energy Union will be the focus of debate between regional and local leaders and the European Commission i's Vice-President Maroš Šefāoviā during the European Committee of the Regions i' (CoR) plenary in Brussels on 8 July. Members will then be joined by the Luxembourg Minister of Interior, Dan Kersch, to kick off cooperation with the new Presidency of the EU. How to spread knowledge and innovation across EU regions will also be hotly debated with the Commissioner in charge of Research, Science and Innovation - Carlos Moedas - on 9 July.

CoR members will also discuss and adopt resolutions on the European Commission's 2016 Work Programme as well as on sustainable food. Furthermore, the July plenary will host the European Entrepreneurial Region 2016 Award given each year to the best entrepreneurial development strategies developed by EU regions and cities. Finally, mayors and local administrators from Libya will be welcomed by the CoR's President Markku Markkula, together with members of ARLEM - the Euro-Mediterranean Assembly of regional and local authorities - to discuss ways to bring more stability into the country and region.

Regions and cities take a stand on EU migration

The EU’s borders have recently been the scene of human tragedies which is why the European Commission has taken action by adopting a European Agenda on Migration . Given the increasing pressure on regions and cities receiving increasing numbers of migrants, on 8 July the CoR will debate and vote on a resolution setting out its position on how best to manage the reception of migrants and asylum procedures, whilst assuring the protection of human lives.

Building a Capital Markets Union

In an opinion drafted by the Mayor of the Polish city of Białystok, Tadeusz Truskolaski (PL/EA), regions and cities will react to the European Commission's Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union. While praising planned actions to ease market access for capital providers and recipients, the CoR insists on the need to take further structural and anticyclical initiatives to benefit also the regions with less-developed financial markets.

Flexibility within the Stability and Growth Pact

After years of debate, the need for more flexibility within the Stability and Growth Pact i (SGP) was addressed last January by the European Commission. The EC communication enables leaving wider margins for investment while devoting the strongest flexibility to national contributions for the European Fund for Strategic Investments. The opinion drafted by the Member of the Walloon Parliament, Olga Zrihen (BE/PES), assess the rules' interpretation proposed by the Commission. The CoR calls to remove obstacles in the implementation of the cohesion policy programmes, including SGP expenditure ceilings.

Towards a new European Neighbourhood policy

The European Commission has launched a consultation process in preparation for the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. The CoR will present its proposals in an opinion prepared by Nikolaos Chiotakis (EL/EPP), Member of Kifissia Municipal Council. The opinion, to be adopted on 9 July, calls for a flexible and tailored approach for each partner country, setting specific objectives and offering a clear timeframe for implementation of its policies.

Other points on the plenary agenda

Resolution on " Sustainable Food "

Resolution on " European Commission Work Programme 2016 "

Resolution on " Improving the functioning of the European Union: Lisbon Treaty and beyond "

Opinion on " Outcome of the negotiations on the partnership agreements and operational programmes "- Rapporteur: Ivan Žagar (Mayor of Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia/EPP)

(Plenary agenda & documents / Plenary will be streamed live )

Practical information:

CoR plenary, European Parliament Hemicycle, Brussels

8 July 3pm-9pm & 9 July 9am-1pm

CoR Plenary session agenda & Plenary session opinions

Follow: @EU_CoR , #CoRplenary

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