Civil liberties MEPs to debate concerns over French surveillance law

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 2 juli 2015, 10:36.

The civil liberties committee debates France's controversial new law on surveillance powers on Thursday, 2 July. MEPs will raise concerns about the compatibility of some of the law's provisions with the European treaties with the Commission's director for criminal justice, Francisco Morillo.

The new law, passed by the National Assembly on 23 June and the Senate on 24 June,, allows the French authorities to intercept and spy on citizens' communications under the pretext of national security, say MEPs who requested the debate in committee.

MEPs are likely to ask the Commission to investigate whether the law is in line with the EU treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The extensive scope of grounds allowing for surveillance by intelligence services, the data collection and retention mechanisms, the use of the information (purpose limitation), oversight and rights of individuals are others issues to be addressed by MEPs.

The debate is from 16.30 to 17.15 in room Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) 3C050, in Brussels.

You can watch the debate on .

#surveillance #LoiRenseignement

REF. : 20150701IPR72724

Updated: ( 02-07-2015 - 17:06)