SEDEC Commission: Digital Single Market and social economy can boost growth in Europe
The Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) of the European Committee of the Regions held its 4th meeting in Brussels today. The SEDEC members adopted their position on the Digital Single Market Strategy, which is currently one of the top priorities of the European Commission.
The opinion drafted by Helma Kuhn-Theis (DE/EPP), Member of Weiskirchen Municipal Council, welcomes the Commission proposal’s general objective of promoting and securing international competitiveness in the long term by creating a connected digital single market in Europe. These actions should aim to develop further the attractiveness of the regions in a targeted way. "Consumers and companies need improved access to digital services and products in whole Europe, including in smaller communities and rural areas", Kuhn-Theis stressed. The Digital Single Market Strategy is linked to the review of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, which is discussed in another draft opinion prepared by Jean-François Istasse (BE/PES), Member of Verviers Municipal Council.
Zoran Stanāiā, Deputy Director-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology in European Commission, welcomed the contribution of CoR: "European local and regional authorities invest 20 billion euros per year in this area, including six billion euros in broadband and digital networks. They create the conditions for the success of the Digital Single Market and this is why we need to work together", he said.
The social economy can play an important role in restoring economic growth and combating unemployment, argues a draft opinion prepared by Luís Gomes (PT/EPP), Mayor of Vila Real de Santo António. The own-iniative opinion adopted by the SEDEC commission points out that social economy organisations stimulate participation and a spirit of solidarity and enterprise among the citizens and that social economy institutions and actors have proved to be resilient during the crisis. It calls for a bigger role to be given to research on the social economy in Europe and for partnerships to be built up between social economy organisations, educational institutions, training bodies and local and regional authorities. These views were echoed by Alain Coheur, president of Social Economy Europe, and Jan Olsson, president of REVES network. "The investment and innovation capacities of social economy are often underestimated. It can offer an alternative economic model where profits don't go to shareholders but are reinvested for the common good", Mr Coheur said.
The draft opinion on "Standards of remuneration in employment in the EU" was adopted after a lengthy debate. Rapporteur Mick Antoniw (UK/PES) argues in favour of advancing towards a common European minimum wage standard. "Increase of income at lower levels contributes most to local economies", said the member of Welsh National Assembly from Pontypridd.
The SEDEC commission, chaired by Yoomi Renström (SE/PES), will hold its next meeting on 22 September.