Video the latest EU digital & ICT policy developments
Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 juni 2015.
In this Brussels Briefing on Tech, leading journalist Jennifer Baker provides an extensive update on the latest EU digital & ICT policy developments:
-European Commission negotiations over net neutrality and roaming have stalled.
-French president Francois Hollande i announces plans to create a legal definition of net-neutrality.
-Digital Economy Commissioner Günther Oettinger i says he will launch an Audiovisual Media Services Directive in the coming weeks.
-The Commission launches a comprehensive assessment of the role of online platforms.
-Telecoms sectors mergers: Competition Commissioner Vestager i denies political motivations in her targetting of big U.S. tech firms.
-Anti-trust cases: Google asks for an extension to prepare its defence to the probe for alleged abuses of its dominance in the search sector.
-Copyright: 8 July sees a plenary vote on Pirate Party MEP Julia Reda i’s report.
-The Council finds common ground on the General Data Protection Regulation: the first trialogue meeting is scheduled for 24 June.
Featuring a statement from EU Commissioner for Digital Economy Günther Oettinger, Pastora Valero - head of the head of Government Affairs for the EMEAR (Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia) region at Cisco and James Holtum, ECR Group spokesperson.