Buchanan seeks stakeholder intervention for his new Opinion on the Simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 juni 2015.

​Cllr Tony Buchanan (UK/EA), the 1st Vice President of the Commission on Natural Resources (NAT) has asked for stakeholders to share their views on the first CAP Opinion draft.

The East Renfrewshire councillor, and his expert Serafin Pazos-Vidal from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), will host a stakeholder consultation on July 1 at the Committee of the Regions building, ahead of vote at the Commission in September.

Buchanan who was unanimously appointed Rapporteur for the Opinion on June 2, has suggested that a priority will be that CAP remains an effective EU wide policy but one that allows for tailor-made local and regional solutions that suit their specific needs.

He said: “It is vital that we get the right balance between effectiveness and flexibility. This is what my opinion will be about."

The Opinion; proposed and prioritised by Paul Hogan, in his mandate as EU Agriculture Commissioner, provides an opportunity for CoR to influence the very early stages of this policy initiative and set the tone of the work of the Commission on Natural Resources (NAT).

The current draft deals with CAP reform issues such as greening, balance between direct payments and rural development, cross-compliance, active farmers, rural diversification and community-led local development.

A first discussion with CoR members is being held at the NAT meeting in Gaia (Portugal) that is taking place today and tomorrow (June 18 and 19.)

Cllr Buchanan, prior to the meeting, said: "I am already gathering views from key partners in Scotland and across Europe and I am looking forward to the initial discussion that we are going to have at the NAT Commission meeting in Gaia"

He added: "Agriculture and Rural Development are sectors of great importance in Scotland and throughout the EU , funding our farming and rural communities is a key component to ensure their economic development and indeed achieve new environmental outcomes.