Digital Assembly 2015 – Europe’s leading event in the digital field takes place in Riga
On 17-18 June, the Digital Assembly 2015 will be held at the National Library of Latvia in Riga. The title of the Assembly, ''One Europe, One Digital Single Market'', emphasises the main objective of the EU Digital Agenda - to develop a Digital Single Market.
The Digital Assembly is the first event at which high-level officials and industry representatives will have an opportunity to discuss, and make recommendations on, different aspects of the implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe published by the EC on 6 May 2015.
The digital environment is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy and offers extensive opportunities in the spheres of economic development, social innovation and good governance. Whilst the borders to traditional trade in goods have come down within the European Union, the online market in goods and services is still not uniform across the EU and each of the 28 EU Member States has different rules governing activities in the digital environment.
The objective of the Digital Single Market is therefore to create an environment in the EU Member States where consumers and businesses can easily access digital technology and operate online on an equal footing, regardless of their nationality or location. Legal frameworks and investment in the development of digital infrastructure will shape the EU Digital Single Market.
The Digital Assembly will be attended by high-level officials from the Member States and the European Commission, policy-makers, NGO representatives, developers and users of digital technologies, and other stakeholders.
Discussions are planned with public and industry representatives on the future of Europe's digital policies.
On Wednesday 17 June, the event will be opened by Laimdota Straujuma i, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia, HRH Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands and Robert Madelin, the EC Director General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. During the second part of the day, participants will have the opportunity to listen to six inspirational speeches on Digital Single Market themes.
On Thursday 18 June, the second day of the Assembly will open with a 'hard talk' session involving the European Commission Vice President for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip i.
The Assembly will feature six panel sessions at which key topics of the Digital Single Market Strategy will be discussed, such as digital skills, consumer confidence in the digital environment, creative content of the digital environment, ensuring access and connectivity to telecom services, e-commerce, e-government and digitising European industries and enterprises.
The Latvian Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Kaspars Gerhards, will present the results of the Assembly and deliver the closing remarks.
The event is co-organised by the European Commission (EC) and the Latvian Presidency. The Latvian Presidency is only the second presidency to organise the Digital Assembly at a venue outside Brussels. The Digital Assembly 2015 is also the main event relating to the Presidency`s digital priority.
The Assembly will be broadcast live on the Presidency website EU2015.LV and the European Commission website