Venezuela: MEPs assess human rights situation

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 juni 2015, 18:18.

Human Rights subcommittee MEPs debated today the human rights situation in Venezuela with representatives of the political opposition, human rights activists and spokespersons of victims groups.

Elena Velenciano (S&D, ES), Chair of the subcommittee on Human Rights, stressed during the opening of the debate that the Parliament has no intention to intervene in Venezuela's internal affairs, adding though that “nothing prevents us from denouncing” the violation of the rights of Venezuelan people. Ms Valenciano said that the Venezuelan government had been invited to the hearing but refused to send any representative and she announced that an official delegation of the Parliament will travel next month to the country to assess the situation.

The full press release in Spanish is available

REF. : 20150616IPR66783

Updated: ( 16-06-2015 - 18:32)