Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, 08/06/2015 - Main results

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 juni 2015, 1:03.

The Council had a policy debate on the state of play and future developments in the implementation of the Energy Security Strategy, focusing on the security of supply.

The aim of the Energy Security Strategy is to develop the EU's resilience to shocks and disruptions of energy supplies, and over the longer term to reduce its dependency on particular fuels, energy suppliers and routes.

Ministers agreed that diverse supply routes and sources, regional cooperation, energy market design and infrastructure development were essential elements of the EU energy policy and the necessary steps towards integration of the EU internal energy market.

"Regional cooperation is an important step towards strengthened energy security of the EU and should therefore be duly taken into account when developing further measures in this field.

Increased energy security is a one of the top priorities of the EU and its member states and has also a positive impact in helping stimulate economic growth and create jobs in the EU", said Latvian minister of Economics Ms. Dana Reizniece-Ozola.

The Council adopted conclusions on the implementation of the Energy Union Strategy, focusing on how to provide consumers - both households and business - with secure, sustainable and affordable energy and to encourage the investment needed in this area.

Council conclusions on the implementation of the Energy Union: empowering consumers and attracting investments in the energy sector

Ministers were also updated by the Commission on the latest developments on international energy relations, in particular the Ukraine-Russia-EU trilateral talks and the Energy Community.

Outcome of the Council meeting


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