Video 'Growth in CO2 emissions from transport nullifies progress made in other sectors' - Michael Cramer MEP

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 juni 2015.

Michael Cramer MEP (Greens/EFA) - chair of the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee (TRAN) - talks to leading transport policy journalist Dave Keating about the most pressing EU transport issues.

Cramer insists on the need for the transport sector to deal with CO2 emissions, underlying that ‘without a change in mobility, we can’t fight against climate change’. He also discusses the most pressing issues facing the TRAN Committee: Cramer stresses that the Transport and Tourism Committee is united in calling for an EU-wide multimodal ticketing system. With regard to the Single European Sky regulation, he calls on the Commission to take action against Member States which have failed to deliver on their promises and to start infringement - now is not the time for a decision on whether or not to split the technical and political parts where necessary. Michael Cramer also talks about the ongoing negotiations with the Member States on the fourth Railway package. The TRAN chair argues that the informal trialogues should continue to focus on trying to finalize the technical pillar of the package.