EU boosts humanitarian aid to Iraq with extra €25 million

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 juni 2015.

The European Commission has just announced an extra €25 million in aid for the victims of the worsening humanitarian crisis in Iraq.

The funding will help the internally displaced people, including those who recently fled the fighting in Ramadi, Anbar governorate, with water, food, sanitation, shelter, medical supplies and health care.

Speaking today in Brussels at the launch of the Iraq Humanitarian Response Plan, co-organised by the European Union and the United Nations, Christos Stylianides i, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, expressed his growing worry about the victims of the conflict. "The number of people in need of life-saving assistance in Iraq has increased by 400% in less than a year. As fighting continues, the end of this crisis is still out of sight. This means our humanitarian aid is more needed than ever," he said.

"I urge all parties involved in the conflict to protect civilians and allow them safe passage when seeking safety from conflict-affected zones," the Commissioner added.

Commissioner Stylianides will travel to Iraq where he will meet with stakeholders who are receiving EU humanitarian aid to cope with their emergency needs. The Commissioner will also hold meetings with the President of Iraq Fuad Masum, with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim Al Jaafari.

With today's increase, the Commission's humanitarian aid for Iraq in 2015 stands at more than €63 million.


Iraq has in recent months seen the continuous escalation of armed conflict in Anbar and Ramadi, which has triggered the displacement of thousands of people.

For more information:

Iraq Factsheet

New strategy mobilises all EU tools and €1 billion for Syria and Iraq


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