President Donald Tusk to participate in the G7 summit - Schloss Elmau, Germany, 7-8 June 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 3 juni 2015.

On 7and 8 June European Council President Donald Tusk i will be participating in the G7 i summit in Schloss Elmau, Bavaria (Germany) under German presidency. He will be representing the European Union together with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker i.

The main topics on the agenda, as set out by the German presidency, are the global economy, foreign affairs, security and development issues. Leaders will also discuss the upcoming UN negotiations to develop a new international climate change agreement, the UN's post-2015 development framework, and energy security, building on the 2014 G7 Energy Initiative. A special working session with outreach guests will discuss counter-terrorism.

On Friday 5 June at 10:00 a background briefing by the EU's G7 Sherpa Piotr Serafin will be organised in the main press room of the European Council, Justus Lipsius building.

On Sunday 7 June at 11:00 there will be a joint pre-summit press conference by Presidents Tusk and Juncker in the Briefing Center at Schloss Elmau, Germany.

In order to be updated on possible further press activities, journalists travelling to the summit are invited to send an e-mail to

For more information:

G7 summit, Germany, 7-8 June 2015

See also:

2015 G7 summit in Germany (Federal Government website)

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