Video Transport Commissioner Bulc announces EU passenger rights law
Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 juni 2015.
In this exclusive interview with viEUws, EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc talks to leading journalist Dave Keating about the most pressing transport related issues on the Commission’s agenda:
-The management of the cockpit and the pilot’s medical record following the GermanWings crash.
-The definition of EU rules relating to the use and development of drones to ensure safety, privacy and security of civilian users while promoting this new technology.
-The Fourth Railway Package: Bulc is confident that parties will reach an agreement on the technical pillar by the end of June, but she points out that there’s still work to be done on the political pillar which deals with the issue of liberalisation of railways in Europe. She calls for an agreement on the full package’ in October.
-EU passenger rights: Commissioner Bulc reveals that the Commission is planning to propose the EU passenger rights yet again to the European Parliament and Council. She hopes for a positive outcome this time. This proposal will be included in the comprehensive aviation package to be published later this year.
-European Single Sky policy: the Commission wants to put more pressure on the Member States and will therefore make it an integral part of the comprehensive aviation package.