EU-Japan summit, Tokyo, 29/05/2015 - Background

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 30 mei 2015, 0:47.

Donald Tusk i, President of the European Council, and Jean-Claude Juncker i, President of the European Commission represented the EU at the 23rd bilateral summit. Japan was represented by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The summit also marked the 70th year of the end of World War II in Europe and in Asia. it was the opportunity to reflect on the importance of reconciliation and regional cooperation and recognise the contributions that both Japan and the EU have made to the peace, stability and prosperity.

Joint press statement following the 23rd Japan-EU summit, Tokyo, 29 May 2015

EU-Japan political and economic relations

Leaders agreed to accelerate the negotiations for a strategic partnership agreement and a free trade agreement between the EU and Japan.

Regional and foreign policy issues

The EU and Japan decided to enhance their security partnership, including a possible participation from Japan to crisis management missions.

Regional issues, such as the recent developments in the EU's and Japan's respective neighbourhoods, in Ukraine and in South East Asia, and global issues such as Iran's nuclear talks, the situation in the Korean peninsula, Syria and Iraq were also on the agenda.

Leaders also agreed to step-up the cooperation on counter-terrorism between the EU and Japan.

Global challenges

International climate change negotiations were discussed and Japan affirmed its intention to submit an ambitious target for its contribution to limit climate change.

They also repeated their commitment to agreeing an ambitious post-2015 development agenda.


Background brief

Previous EU-Japan summit

22nd EU-Japan summit, Brussels, 7 May 2014

See also

EU relations with Japan (EEAS)