EU and Japan leaders meet to discuss joint efforts on peace, security and stability

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 mei 2015.

Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Donald Tusk i, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker i, President of the European Commission, met in Tokyo on 29 May 2015 for the 23rd Summit between Japan and the European Union (EU).

In Tokyo leaders agreed to further deepen their cooperation on furthering the peace, stability and prosperity of the international community. The EU and Japan are natural allies in this purpose as they share the common values of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and shared principles such as open markets and rules-based international system.

Over the last year Japan and the EU have worked together closely on crisis management to improve the security in Niger and Mali as well as in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are also continuing cooperation in anti-piracy activities off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden.

Given the uncertainties in the regional security environment, leaders condemned all violations of international law and of the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. Both sides stressed their concern about any unilateral actions that change the status quo and increase tensions and will continue to observe the situation in the East and South China Sea.

Leaders expressed their grave concern on North Korea’s continued development of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and urged North Korea to make constructive efforts to these ends. Other issues discussed were the need to solve the conflict in Ukraine peacefully, as well as grave concern over the deteriorating humanitarian and security situation in Syria and a shared commitment to continue support for Iraq to defeat ISIL/Da'esh. The EU and Japan condemn terrorism in all its forms in particular the recent attacks carried out by terrorist groups in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia.

The meeting in Tokyo was also an opportunity to discuss the deterioration of the security and humanitarian situation in Yemen, the intensive diplomatic efforts at reaching solutions on key parameters of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iranian nuclear issues and the conflict in Libya, where only a political settlement can provide a sustainable way forward. In order to work towards the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict both sides underlined their willingness to boost their respective relations with both parties, notably economically, to help them reap the full benefits of any peaceful settlement.

The EU and Japan's joint commitment on the Middle East Peace process highlights their shared conviction that international disputes and issues should be resolved peacefully and in accordance with international law.

Related Links:

Joint press statement by Prime Minister Abe, President Tusk and President Juncker

Statement by President Juncker at the joint press conference with Prime Minister Abe and President Tusk

Video - Joint press conference: Remarks by Prime Minister Abe

Video - Joint press conference: Remarks by President Tusk

Video - Joint press conference: Remarks by President Juncker

Speech by Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Trade: EU-Japan FTA: Crafting an Ambitious Deal

alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht

Video - Speech by Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Trade, on the negotiations for a trade agreement with Japan

Eurostat - Information of trade of goods between the EU and Japan

Press release - EU and Japan step up cooperation on 5G mobile technology and strengthen research and innovation collaboration


