Zanda Kalnia-Lukaševica: Any attack against media is attack against freedom of expression

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 28 mei 2015.

“Any attack against media is an attack against freedom of expression. A freedom that is a key component of our democratic society, a freedom that should not face undue limits or violations, a freedom to which we in the Council attach great importance to together with the other fundamental rights of citizens,  said Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Parliamentary State Secretary for EU Affairs, at the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels on 27 May.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica who spoke on behalf of the EU Council underlined that the dramatic changes in the media landscape and the introduction of new technologies have resulted in an unprecedented flow of information, creating both new opportunities and challenges. While being opposed by totalitarian regimes and terrorists, this flow of information had never been stopped. In many cases, maintaining this flow has been possible only thanks to the courage of journalists providing invaluable insights into realities on the ground, including from conflict areas.

However, free media are increasingly facing new challenges, notably due to the growing sophistication of cyber-attacks and threats. In this context, the Parliamentary State Secretary underlined that, while continuing to apply the existing tools, the EU should also intensify work on new and more comprehensive responses.

Particular attention should be paid to security on the internet, which has become one of the most important channels for fulfilling the interests of EU citizens and an indispensable asset for economic growth and development. She reassured Members of the European Parliament that the EU Council remains fully committed towards the adoption and implementation of concrete measures to that end.

Parliamentary State Secretary also stressed that the EU must be able to counter the aggressive propaganda launched by countries and terrorist groupings in an attack against EU values. Therefore, besides legislative measures, the EU should also work on effective and creative practical measures, both preventive and reactive. Strategic communication and international cooperation to counter propaganda are therefore high on the list of the Council's priorities.

The debate on cyber-attacks against media took place at the EP as part of its monthly one-day plenary sitting in Brussels. Monthly four-day sessions take place in Strasbourg.