Video EU Agriculture Briefing: Common Agricultural Policy, Novel Food, origin labelling and organic legislation

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 mei 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Agriculture, AGRA FACTS journalists Rose O’Donovan & Ed Bray provide an update on the latest developments in EU agricultural policy.

  • CAP rules simplification: Member States backed a 12-point set of Council conclusions at the Agriculture Council on May 11.
  • The reform of organic legislation was one of the key points on the Farm Council agenda on May 11, but the Latvian Presidency failed to secure a common position among Ministers and the vote was pushed back until the next Council meeting on June 16.
  • High up on the agenda: so-called novel food - that is to say products such as algae, insects or traditional 3rd country specialities. MEPs and Member States are nearing a deal that would make regulation simpler, allowing new innovative food to make it onto the marketplace. One controversial point is whether to label products from the offspring of cloned animals.
  • The Commission is to table two reports on the extension of mandatory origin labelling in the coming weeks: leaked drafts suggests that such labels should remain voluntary.
  • Key dates on the agenda: the informal Agriculture Council in Riga from May 31 to June 2 and the Agriculture Council in Luxembourg on June 16.

Featuring a statement from Jānis Dūklavs, Latvian Agriculture Minister and Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development.