Video EU Tweets: conflict minerals, migration quotas, Novel Foods, water quality

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 mei 2015.

Jennifer Baker presents EU Tweets of the Week, looking at the good, the bad and the funny in the European Union Twittersphere this week:

  • Most debated: the very thorny issue of conflict minerals was put to vote this week in Strasbourg: MEPs overturned Commission’s proposal and adopted binding rules;
  • The good: latest EEA report confirms that bathing waters in Europe meet EU quality standardsright in time for our holidays planning!
  • The bad: EU Migration plan falling into pieces after France, Spain, UK and Hungary withdrew their support for migrant quotas
  • The ugly: EU Twittersphere give its own (funny) personal interpretation of Novel Foods regulation.

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