EU helps bring new vital aid into Yemen

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 mei 2015.

In response to the rapidly growing humanitarian needs in Yemen, the European Commission is giving €5.1 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) which is one of the few relief organisations that has access to some of the most vulnerable victims. This funding will help provide food, water, medical supplies and other essential aid.

Christos Stylianides, the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, said: "Due to the extremely challenging security situation, the International Committee of the Red Cross is one of the very few international humanitarian agencies in Yemen still able to deliver much needed aid to the victims of the conflict. I commend the humanitarian workers on the ground for their tireless efforts. We are proud to be supporting their work in these difficult circumstances".

Commissioner Stylianides renewed his call to the fighting sides to refrain from targeting civilian areas and respect international humanitarian law. "Longer humanitarian pauses are essential so that the people in need can receive assistance for their survival," the Commissioner explained.

The recent five-day truce has given international aid agencies the opportunity to respond to the dramatic humanitarian situation in Yemen, but the country is running out of essential supplies and basic public services are at a breaking point.

Humanitarian aid allocated for Yemen by the Commission so far in 2015 amounts to €25 million.

More information

Yemen Factsheet

Joint statement on the truce in Yemen by High Representative / Vice-President Mogherini and Commissioner Stylianides


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