Zanda Kalnia-Lukaševica: Latvian Presidency is leading Council’s work on preventing further tragedies in the Mediterranean in a considerate and efficient manner

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 mei 2015.

On 20 May, the Latvian Foreign Ministry’s Parliamentary State Secretary for EU Affairs, Zanda Kalniņa Lukaševica, speaking at the European Parliament debate on the new European Agenda on Migration, stressed that in less than five months much has been accomplished in tackling one of the greatest challenges Europe is currently facing.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica pointed out that the Latvian Presidency is leading the Council’s work in a considerate and efficient manner to ensure that the necessary decisions are prepared, adopted and implemented with a view to preventing further loss of lives in the Mediterranean and so that a long-term geographically-balanced migration policy is developed.

The Roadmap prepared by the Latvian Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission and the European External Action Service, as well as the European Agenda on Migration presented by the European Commission foresee a list of measures of an immediate response, and actions to be taken in the medium and long term.

The Roadmap and the European Agenda on Migration had already been discussed at the Foreign Affairs Council on 18 May and the General Affairs Council on 19 May. The work will continue at the Foreign Affairs (Development) Council on 26 May and the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 16 June. The Council’s commitment and task is to prepare a review of the progress achieved before the meeting of the European Council on 25-26 June outlining also further steps to be taken.

The Latvian Presidency is investing hard, dynamic and constructive effort into promoting debate and seeking solutions. The Presidency expects the June European Council to agree on further steps. However, it is already clear that finding a solution to such a complex issue requires sustained effort to be taken further by the successive presidencies.