Ideas on Ethiopia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Eastern Partnership

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 20 mei 2015, 11:00.

The situation in Ethiopia ahead of the 24 May parliamentary elections, the political crisis and killings in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and preparations for the 21-22 May Riga Eastern Partnership Summit will be discussed with Commissioner Christos Stylianides, the Latvian Presidency, and EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini, from 15.00 on Wednesday.

The House will also debate the forthcoming EU summit with Latin America and the Caribbean (EU-CELAC summit), scheduled for 10 and 11 June.

You can watch the plenary debate via and EbS+

REF. : 20150513IPR55491

Updated: ( 20-05-2015 - 11:42)