Video EU Parliament Agenda: Luxleaks, migration, Digital Single Market & EU-Russia relations

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op zondag 10 mei 2015.

Jennifer Baker is joined by Marjory van den Broeke of the European Parliament’s press office to discuss the priorities on the Parliament agenda for this week:

  • MEPs will discuss in committees the new European Agenda on Migration ahead of the vote in Plenary session (18-21 May, Brussels)
  • Parliament will examine the Commission’s Digital Single Market proposals
  • Tax ruling: the Tax Rulings Committee will hold a public hearing on Monday, with a consortium of journalist and experts that helped to reveal the “Luxleaks” scandal
  • Also on Monday 11 March, two resolutions will be put into vote on the Foreign Affairs Committee: MEPs are to adopt their official position on a way to improve EU-Russia relations, and to assess Turkey’s reforms in 2014