CSDP reports

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 mei 2015.

In their June 2015 meeting, the Heads of State and Government of the European Union will assess progress on the Union's common actions in security and defence and provide guidance on the next steps in this important area. This is a commitment leaders made at the European Council in December 2013. The discussions at their June meetings will draw on input from the European Commission, the High Representative and the European Defence Agency. A substantial part of this input is featured in two reports that were just sent by the High Representative and Head of the Defence Agency and the Commission to the President of the European Council.

The reports take stock of ongoing policy initiatives, examine the fast-changing security context in which the EU operates and point to the opportunities for closer and more dynamic European cooperation on defence. The two documents aim to contribute to the debate defining strategic objectives and providing further guidance on the EU's actions in its Common Security and Defence Policy.

As a next step, the reports will be discussed at the May Foreign Affairs Council.

Report ahead of the European Council by the High Representative and Vice-President and Head of the European Defence Agency

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Report on the implementation of the Euorpean Commissions' Communication on defence

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Press Release