The EU Military Committee Away Days Meeting to take place in Riga

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 april 2015.

On May 4-5 in Riga, the away days meeting for the EU Military Committee will take place to prepare for the meeting of chiefs of defence of the EU Military Committee on May 19 and for the European Council discussion on defence in June.

The EU Military Committee will discuss such topics as increasing the effectiveness and visibility of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the development of military capabilities and facilitation of the competitiveness of the European defence industry. Participants of the EU Military Committee will also discuss such topics as practical cooperation of the EU and NATO, promotion of the maritime security and development of the cyber defence capability.

During the away days the EU Military Committee will learn about Latvian perspective on the current security situation in the region, as well as with the Latvian experience in cyber defence capability development and capabilities of the Information Technology Security Incidents Response Institution (CERT.LV) and the Cyber Defence Unit of the Latvian National Guard.

Lieutenant General Raimonds Graube, the Chief of Defence of the Republic of Latvia will meet with the representatives of the EU Military Committee. Participants of the away days meeting will visit the Joint Headquarters of the National Armed Forces and have a tour with a “Skrunda  class patrol boat.

The EU Military Committee away days meeting will assemble military representatives from the EU Member States, part of them also represent NATO. General Patrick de Rousiers, the Chairman of the EU Military Committee will attend the event in Riga. Major General Andis Dilāns, military representative of the Republic of Latvia to the NATO and the EU will represent Latvia in the EU Military Committee away days meeting.

The EU Military Committee discussions usually focus on the development of military capabilities and EU military missions and operations.

For media attention:

Media representatives are invited to attend the press opportunity with Lieutenant General Raimonds Graube, the Chief of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and General Patrick de Rousiers, the Chairman of the EU Military Committee on May 5 at 11.30 a.m. till 12 p.m. at the Joint Headquarters of the National Armed Forces. Prior registration is mandatory to participate in the press opportunity by sending e-mail to till May 4 at 3 p.m.

Please arrive to the checkpoint of the Joint Headquarters of the National Armed Forces at Krustabaznīcas Street 9, Rīga prior to the event - till 11 a.m., taking ID document with you. Please park your personal vehicles outside the territory of the Joint Headquarters before entering the checkpoint.

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia will provide transportation from the Ministry at Kr.Valdemāra Street 10/12. Minibus will leave at 10.30 a.m. The number of places is limited. Please note in e-mail that you will use this transportation.