Nepal earthquake: the EU's emergency response

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 april 2015.

The European Union is showing tangible solidarity with Nepal in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit the country last Saturday. European experts, life-saving assets and funds are already making a difference in the crucial early days of the response. The EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides i is travelling to the country today to assess the situation and make sure Europe's support continues to help efficiently where it's most needed.

Within the first 24 hours after the disaster struck, the European Commission had dispatched humanitarian experts to Nepal and mobilised € 3 millionto help address the most urgent needs: clean water, food, medicine, emergency shelter and telecommunications. The EU funding is helping as a priority the most vulnerable groups. The aid is channelled via humanitarian organisations operating on the ground.

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism i was activated immediately to coordinate the assistance offered by the Member States, such as rescue teams and material aid.

In the days following the disaster, the Commission has deployed more humanitarian aid and civil protection experts (including engineers) to the affected areas. They are working side by side with the Nepalese authorities and international partners on the ground to make sure that the EU assistance is plugged efficiently in the overall response and goes where it is most needed.

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service has been activated for the provision of satellite images/maps of the disaster area to support the rescue operations.

The European Commission's Emergency Response Coordination Centre monitors developments and coordinates the European support. It runs regular coordination meetings with Member States and international organisations.

Aid from the Member States

Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as Norway, are participating in the joint European assistance effort so far.

The European Commission can co-finance the provision of aid from Member States via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

In addition, Member States have mobilised bilateral financial aid for Nepal which currently stands at a least €25 million.

Assistance offered through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism


Medium Urban Search and Rescue team



Medical Trauma Team


1 operational coordination centre (OSOCC);

3 light base modules;

4 ICT modules


Medium Urban Search and Rescue team


Medium Urban Search and Rescue team


Water Purification Module

150 tents


Water Purification Module


Medium Urban Search and Rescue team


Forward medical team

Advanced Medical Post*


Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team


Medium Urban Search and Rescue team


Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team


1 Operational coordination centre (TASK);

Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team


Water purification modules + Jerry Cans;

4x4 family tents all weather;

Tarpaulins; Kitchen Sets;

Blankets; Hygienic Kits, latrines;

United Kingdom

Urban Search and Rescue team

180 body bags,

Forward Medical team

*Acceptance pending

** Some contributions not deployed as of yet

Needs on the ground

The immediate needs include shelter, food, medical supplies, telecommunications equipment, clean water and sanitation.

Logistics are a major challenge for relief operations in the mountainous region, including the limited airport capacity.


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