Remarks by President Donald Tusk following his meeting with Moldovan Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 april 2015.

Let me first of all thank Prime Minister Gaburici for the hospitality that he has shown to me and for substantive meetings I have had with him and the members of his government.

We have had a very open and constructive exchange on a wide range of issues. We have discussed our bilateral cooperation, the situation and challenges this country faces domestically as well as regional issues.

I feel that the Prime Minister and I are in full agreement about the importance of intensifying key political and economic reforms in Moldova. I very much welcome his determination to pursue such an agenda. We stand ready to support him.

We discussed the importance of fighting corruption, reforming the justice sector and addressing critical shortcomings in the financial sector, including the banking crisis. I sense that only real, determined action will be enough in the current situation.

The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Moldova and the European Union will create unprecedented opportunities for Moldovan businesses, boost investment and create new jobs. We need to explore these possibilities to the maximum. The significant growth in our bilateral trade in 2014 shows that we are moving in the right direction.

I have commended the Prime Minister for seeking a new agreement with the IMF, which will be decisive for financial and political stability and which will also open roads to further EU support.

We agreed to work together on the preparation of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga. Also in this context I believe that Moldova will be able to benefit from the direction in which we want to take this cooperation.

We also discussed the Transnistrian conflict. I have underlined the EU´s continued support for a comprehensive and peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. This should be based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova with a special status for Transnistria.

I have welcomed Prime Minister Gaburici´s personal constructive engagement to improve relations and encouraged further progress.

I am convinced that a successful reform process will benefit the country and its people. If we all work with commitment and political will, I am convinced that we can achieve the results the Republic of Moldova and its people want and need.

It was a pleasure meeting you, Prime Minister and dear friend, and I wish you all the best in these challenging times.