Migrant deaths: MEPs to call for bolder action in debate with Juncker and Tusk

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 april 2015, 16:30.

MEPs are set to demand bolder action to halt the drowning of Mediterranean migrants and refugees in a debate with the Commission's President, Jean-Claude Juncker i and Council President Donald Tusk i on Wednesday at 09.00. The debate will focus on the outcome of the 23 April extraordinary European Council and a vote on a resolution will follow.

Over 1,600 have died since the start of this year, reports the UN Refugee Agency.

You can watch the plenary debate via EP Live, and EbS+.

#migration #refugees #asylum #fundamentalrights

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Updated: ( 27-04-2015 - 12:09)