EU proposes to boost humanitarian aid by €50 million as Commissioner Stylianides visits South Sudan

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 25 april 2015.

EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides i, who is visiting South Sudan, announces that the Commission is requesting new vital support in the amount of €50 million from the European Union for the victims of this humanitarian crisis.

"I have witnessed first-hand the immense suffering of the people of South Sudan. People who have been forced to leave their homes and desperately look for a safe place to live. People who lack the opportunity to earn a living. They have suffered enough!" said Commissioner Stylianides.

"Humanitarian aid saves lives but it cannot solve the crisis. A sustainable peace agreement is urgently needed. I appeal to the various fighting groups in South Sudan for peace and reconciliation. South Sudanese leaders need to put an end to the unnecessary suffering of their people who deserve much better", theCommissioner added.

The new aid package, once approved by the budgetary authorities, will bring the Commission's humanitarian aid for South Sudan and the neighbouring countries affected by the crisis to €120.5 million for 2015. It will provide immediate life-saving assistance (shelter, water, hygiene and protection) for the most vulnerable South Sudanese inside and outside of their country.


For over a year the world’s youngest state has been plagued by a major crisis affecting the entire region, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda. More than two million people have fled their homes, including over half a million refugees in the neighbouring countries.

The humanitarian situation in the country has been grave ever since violence broke out in 2013. The main humanitarian needs are for food, clean water, health-care, shelter, sanitation, hygiene and protection.

The UN estimates that 2.5 million people in South Sudan currently face severe food security and the situation might further deteriorate.

Humanitarian organisations struggle to reach the people who need aid, due to attacks against aid workers and general insecurity. The Commission maintains a

team of humanitarian experts in South Sudan, where they monitor the situation, assess the needs and oversee the use of EU funds.

For more information

South Sudan factsheet


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