Voice of Libyan Women in the Libyan Political Dialogue

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 22 april 2015.

In the framework of the UN led political dialogue process, UNSMIL organised, with support of the EU, a meeting in Tunis with women.

The goal of the meeting was to further publicise the achievements of the dialogues so far, to open a public discussion with women on the proposed political documents to settle the Libyan crisis and to show the commitment of the EU to the role women should play in the Libyan society.

During the rich debate, participants expressed appreciation for EU's efforts in supporting the UN led dialogue.

Participants have pledged and accepted the following tenets that unite us as Libyan women:

No going back on the democratic path

Yes to dialogue, No to terrorism and violence

Yes to a government of national concord

Yes to peace and development, No to corruption

Yes to a meaningful media, No to media that reports sedition, instigation and hate

Yes to women in all tracks of the national concord and government, and Yes to ensuring women’s participation in decision-making positions

Ensuring women’s participation in the different phases of the peace process

Activation of the principle of citizenship and respect for human rights

Respect for the principles of the 17 February Revolution

Support for national reconciliation and for the concept of transitional justice

Unity of the social fabric, and ensuring harmony with cultural components

International agreements and United Nations Resolution 1325

Find out more about the Libyan Women Dialogue Track Meeting in Tunis, Tunisia, 21-22 April 2015