Video Gazprom targeted by EU, Turkstream, gas infrastructure & energy security

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 april 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Energy, leading journalist Hughes Belin provides an overview of the latest EU energy policy developments.

  • Gazprom targeted by Commission: the Russian gas giant could facetaalaan("en") a fine of up to €9 billion as ittaaluit got an official complaint from Antitrust Commissioner Vestager for the alleged abuse of its dominant position in eight Central & Eastern European countries.

Numerous developments in the energy field recently took place in South-East Europe:

  • Greece and Russia announced that they are poised to sign a cooperation agreement that could lead to the construction of a new pipeline for the Turkstream project.
  • Representatives from Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey met in Budapest on 7 April to create a working group dedicated to facilitating cooperation on gas infrastructure in the region.
  • EU and Turkish electricity grids are now synchronised since mid-April, extending the electricity balancing zone of continental Europe.

Outcome of the Informal Energy Council (15-16 April, Riga):

  • Energy Ministers discussed regional cooperation, security of supply and the forthcoming heating & cooling strategy.

Featuring statements from Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager i and EU Climate and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete i.