Schulz for renewal of refugee and migration policies

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 19 april 2015.

"The renewed tragedy off the Libyan coast, in which possibly up to 700 people have lost their lives, leaves me speechless. How many more people will have to drown until we finally act in Europe? How many times more do we want to express our dismay, only to then move on to our daily routine?

Words of grief are not enough. We cannot continue like this. Every day we sit idly by and watch how people put themselves into the hands of criminal and inhumane traffickers and die on their way to Europe, we burden ourselves with more blame.

Europe can do more and Europe must do more. It is a shame and a confession of failure how many countries run away from responsibility and how little money we provide for rescue missions.

It is more than time to finally change our refugee and migration policies. The cooperation with the authorities in our Mediterranean neighborhood and the creation of a government of national unity in Libya are if crucial importance. Without a genuine common European approach based on solidarity, which offers people the opportunity to come to Europe legally and which places hope instead of despair, the next tragedy is only a matter of time."