Citizens' Dialogue: Vice-President Ansip “goes digital” in Sofia

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 april 2015.

The first building blocks of the EU’s Digital Single Market Strategy could be laid in Bulgaria. Vice-President Andrus Ansip i, responsible for the Digital Single Market, will be in Sofia on 20 and 21 April to participate in a Citizens' Dialogue together with Gergana Passi, Bulgaria’s Digital Champion. This will be an opportunity for every citizen to get involved in the debate and share expectations on the future of Europe in general and on the Digital Single Market more specifically. The European Commission will present its Digital Single Market Strategy on 6 May.

In Sofia, Vice-President Ansip will also meet the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communication Ivaylo Moskovski.

He will speak at the opening of the WebIT Congress for Central and Eastern Europe, the largest gathering of IT companies and entrepreneurs in the region. Vice-President Ansip will also address a conference on E-Government organised by the Bulgarian Association on Information Technologies with members of the Bulgarian government and parliament.

Ahead of his visit, Vice-President Ansip said: "The Digital Single Market is all about making the EU's single market freedoms "go digital", and boosting growth and jobs on our continent. People must be able to freely go across borders online just as they do offline. We must help innovative businesses grow across the EU, instead of remaining locked in their home market. This is an important opportunity for Bulgaria which has vibrant IT sector, with a number of success stories and a huge potential for creating jobs and growth."


Citizens' Dialogue

The Citizens' Dialogue with Vice-President Ansip will take place on Tuesday 21 April from 14.30 to 16.00 hours at Paradise Centre, 51 Cherni Vrah Blvd, Sofia. This is the 13th Citizens’ Dialogue that the European Commission organises in the last four months. Everyone can join the event and participate in a vibrant discussion on a number of questions relating to Europe.

For more information and registration please go to the Citizens' Dialogue website.

Digital Single Market

Digital technology is part of everyday life. From studying to watching films, buying or selling online to connecting with friends or your doctor - the internet is a goldmine of digital opportunities. But every day in the EU people and companies run into many barriers - from geo-blocking or cross-border parcel delivery inefficiencies to unconnected e-services. Digital services too often remain confined to national borders. The European Commission has made it a priority to remove these obstacles and create a Digital Single Market. It aims to deliver for the benefit of the European citizens reliable, high-speed connectivity, including in rural areas. The possibility to set up a business virtually and offer services in any EU country easily. The ability to enjoy the same online content and services regardless of which EU country you are in. Simple, clear rules for copyright, so we know where we and our businesses stand. Assurance that our personal data is protected.

On 6 May, the European Commission will propose a strategy for achieving a Digital Single Market, focussing on those areas where, by acting together, we can make a real difference to people's lives.

On 25 March, European Commissioners agreed on the main areas on which the Commission will focus its work to trigger real changes for consumers and businesses.

By creating a seamless Digital Single Market, we can unlock up to €340 billion in additional growth and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and a vibrant knowledge-based society.

More information about the Digital Single Market:

Digital Single Market website

Vice-President Andrus Ansip's website

Press release: Digital Single Market Strategy: European Commission agrees areas for action

Factsheet: Why we need a Single Digital Market


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