Video Vella: next EU Circular Economy Package to address both consumption and production

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 april 2015.

In an exclusive interview with viEUws, Karmenu Vella - EU Environment & Fisheries Commissioner - talks to AGRA FACTS journalist Rose O’Donovan about the interrelation between agriculture and the environment and outlines what to expect from the next Circular Economy Package.

Vella emphasizes the importance of a sustainable approach to agriculture and claims that the protection of the environment can only be achieved through a global solution. He considers that there is room to improve the current Common Agricultural Policy in order to deliver on the 2030 sustainable environmental goals.

He announces that the Commission is currently working on a more ambitious Circular Economy Package, due to be issued this autumn, which will take into consideration both sides of the issue: consumption and production. It is crucial to address food waste and food scarcity at a global level, says the Environment Commissioner. Vella advocates more active global cooperation in the redistribution of food resources and considers that priority should be given to avoiding waste in the first place rather than looking into how to recycle it.

Next Circular Economy Package to address both consumption and production, announces Commissioner Vellatweet