Video Phil Hogan hails paradigm shift in Common Agricultural Policy

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 april 2015.

Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan discuses the role of the EU in addressing global agriculture challenges with AGRA FACTS journalist Rose O’Donovan.

Hogan hails the paradigm shift in the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - moving away from a system of price support to one that encourages a more market-oriented agricultural sector. Europe “has a moral obligation to feed the world”, the EU farm chief argues, insisting that agricultural production should take place within the natural environmental constraints.

Speaking on the historic day for the EU farm policy of March 31 - the end of the EU’s dairy quota regime - Hogan foresees “great opportunities” for European milk producers, particularly for value-added products such as cheese and yoghurts. He concedes that there will be “some short-term market volatility”, but slams any mention of a “crisis” in the dairy sector after more than 30 years of production restrictions.

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