Video EU Environment Briefing: deal on biofuels, ETS Market Stability Reserve, circular economy & air pollution

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 april 2015.

In this Brussels Briefing on Environment, leading journalist Sonja van Renssen provides an overview of the latest EU environment and climate policy developments:

  • Tentative deal on ILUC: it seems likely that MEPs will settle for a 7% cap on conventional biofuels in 2020 with the proviso that this also includes non-food energy crops and that individual member states are free to set lower caps
  • MEPs and Member States face off on a Market Stability Reserve (MSR) for the EU ETS: Member States insist on a 2021 start date while the Parliament demands 2019
  • Due this month: a new circular economy roadmap, to be followed by a public consultation and stakeholder conference to pave the way to new proposals by the end of the year
  • Air pollution: lead MEP sets out her ideas for the national emission ceilings directive, including binding targets for 2025
  • Informal ministerial: European Environment and Energy Ministers will debate nature conservation and renewable policies at the informal Council in Riga ( 14-16 April)