Remarks by President Donald Tusk after the meeting with Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 maart 2015.

Before anything else, let me express my deepest condolences to the families, friends and loved ones of all the victims, including so many Spanish citizens, of the tragic plane crash last Tuesday.

I am very pleased to be here in Madrid today with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy i. Yesterday I visited Valletta, and this afternoon I will travel to Tunis, to listen and to discuss how the European Union can and should help to bring more calm to Europe's Southern Neighbours by addressing the root causes of instability. But also how to handle its symptoms, not least terrorism and irregular migration.

The Prime Minister and I had a very open discussion on both the causes and consequences of instability and insecurity in the Southern Neighbourhood. We had a good exchange on what the European Union is already doing - in terms of assistance, counter-terrorism and migration - and how we can better target our efforts to make a real difference.

We are all concerned by the lack of a Government in Libya, and the space this opens for terrorist groups to expand. This was on top of the European Council's agenda only ten days ago, where we all agreed that the Union and the Member States stand side by side with the Libyan people. In the first place, by giving every support possible and necessary to the efforts of Bernardino Léon to broker a lasting ceasefire and a government of national unity in Libya.

Spain is an important partner in the Mediterranean. I would like to thank the Prime Minister for organising the Ministerial conference on the European Neighbourhood Policy in Barcelona in a couple of weeks. This will be an important occasion for the EU member states and our Southern partners to discuss shared challenges, but also common opportunities.

The European neighbourhood is an important partnership, economically, politically and also in terms of stability. Through our privileged partnerships with the countries on our doorstep, the EU has a strong role in helping to address the root causes of instability. This is in everybody's interest - our neighbours', but also our own.

So thank you again Mariano for hosting me, and I look forward to our next discussions on this. Muchas gracias.