Terra Ranka: A Fresh Start for Guinea-Bissau

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 30 maart 2015.

The EU and UNDP together with the Government of Guinea-Bissau organised an International Conference in support of Guinea-Bissau aimed to mobilise international support to the new authorities' efforts to rebuild the country, entrench democratic institutions and lay the foundations for long-lasting stability and sustainable socioeconomic development.

The event held in Brussels on 25 March, came at a decisive moment for the people of Guinea-Bissau when the country is on the path of consolidating democracy and the rule of law and reviving its economy after years of fragility and political instability. The country made an important leap forward in 2014 after credible and peaceful general elections in April and May and restoration of the constitutional order. The EU alongside the UN, AU, ECOWAS and CPLP, plays a central role in the stabilisation process of Guinea-Bissau.

Mr. Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, H.E. Mr. José Mario Vaz, President of Guinea-Bissau, and H.E. Mr. Macky Sall, President of Senegal opened the conference. UN Under-Secretary General Mr. Jeffrey Feltman read the message of the UN Secretary General. The President of Guinea-Bissau said "This strategy draws first and foremost on a shared vision of the society we wish to build over the next ten years".

About 300 participants from around the world including Presidents, Foreign Ministers and senior representatives of regional and international organisations and civil society, participated in the conference. Key bilateral partners of Guinea-Bissau amongst them USA, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Canada or China; multilateral organizations like Global partnership for Education; global funds like Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) took part.

The Government presented its Strategic and Operational plan entitled "Terra Ranka" (new start) for the period 2015-2020. The document, prepared in consultation with main national and international stakeholders, is based on the Government's development programme adopted in September 2014, particularly on its strategic pillars:

Governance and Peace



Urban development

Human development


The strategy stressed the need to work towards economic recovery on the basis of structural reforms to ensure sustainable development. Four main drivers for economic growth were identified:




transparent and sustainable exploitation of the country's mineral resources

The Conference strongly supported the Strategic Development Plan and pledges exceeded expectations amounting to €1.3 billion, including €160 million pledged by the EU, after the definitive lift of Article 96 restrictive measures on the eve of the conference. The World Bank and UN announced support of $250 million and $300 million respectively.


